2023 Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club AGM
When: October 3, 2023 at 7:30PM
Where: Zoom Meeting
AGM Attendee List (32 members): A quorum of 25 participants was met.
Ivan Jimenez | Clark Gao | Rita Wang | Maurice Lee |
Sue Cardarelli | David Steger | Stephanie Hansuld | Frank Santosuosso |
Frank Quirante | Dragan Povic | Shelley Li | Glen |
Tarique Khan | Joe Smirlies | Terry Wong | Yoko Kodaira |
Alicia Figueroa | Kelly Martin | Tom Burgmann | Christine Svoboda |
Bibi Povic | Lynn Bryans | Vincent Nan | Raghu Madhavan |
Carol Ann Burgmann | Miriam Castellanos | Kevin Wu | Crystal Pan |
Catalina Mejia Rozo | Absalon Figueroa | Nancy Hubbs | Carol Salisbury |
Call to order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm. Ivan Jimenez (President) thanked volunteers and board members who joined the meeting. Ivan introduced the agenda.
- Last year’s AGM minutes approval:

- President’s Report:
First of all, I would like to thank our board of directors for their contribution to the club this season. Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club is a volunteer run tennis club. Our club’s success is dependent on the willingness of our members to participate in the board and volunteering their time to help our club be a great place to play tennis.
This year’s main accomplishment was the completion of five new tennis courts and the Hitting Wall. Construction of courts 1 to 5 and the hitting wall began on April 12th and it was completed on July 14th, 2023. This was a capital intensive project that will deplete the club reserve funds. The cost of this project will be paid 50% by the City of Mississauga and 50% by Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club. This project started two year ago and it involved many meetings between the city, Carol Ann Burgmann, Absalon Figueroa and I.
Even though, it was challenging to run our normal programs and events, we were able to successfully run the following programs:
– Ladies, Men and Mixed Round Robins
– Singles, Doubles and Mixed Tournaments
– Singles ladder
– Two Social Events
– House League (abbreviated format)
– Lakeshore League
– Intercounty League
2023 Board of Directors List
· Ivan Jimenez – President (incumbent seeking re-election)
· Carol Ann Burgmann – Vice-president (incumbent seeking re-election)
· Tarique Khan – Treasurer (incumbent seeking re-election)
· Yoko Kodaira – Secretary and Tournament Director (retired, position vacant)
· Sue Adorjan – Membership Director (position vacant)
· Absalon Figueroa – Facilities and Resources Director (incumbent seeking re-election)
· Shelley Li – Social Director (incumbent seeking re-election)
· David Steger – House League Director (retired, position vacant)
· Raghu Madhavan – Ladder and IT Director (incumbent seeking re-election)
· Vincent Nan – Tournament and IT Director (incumbent seeking re-election)
Membership (Sue Adorjan)
2023 Registration opened on March 1st and we reach capacity in less than 6 weeks. Only junior accounts were allowed to register after we reached capacity. As a result, this year’s total membership count is 1186.
• Tested registration related changes requested from Jegysoft
• Updated all related system prompts / messages.
• On-line registration opened at midnight March 1st
• A “staggered” registration was used to comply with the City residency requirement and our by-laws.
• Numerous requests for account “upgrades” / changes were processed
• A manual for membership and FOB system management was completed
Our 2023 membership volumes decreased from 1,186 members in 2022 to 1,118 members in 2023 or 68 less members. This represents a 5.7% decrease compared to 2022.

Secretary (Yoko Kodaira)
• Documented meeting minutes and correspondences with members
• Supported communication with members communications
House League (David Steger)
The club ran an abbreviated house league, given the court reconstruction. Play went from mid-July to mid-September on Sunday evenings in a modified league format given the reduced time frame. The league was enjoyable for the approximately 40 participants.
Tournament Director (Yoko Kodaira, Vincent Nan, Attila Nagy, Tarique Khan)
• Scheduled matches and allocated courts
• Was on-site for the duration of the tournament
• Ensured the timeliness of courts
• Recorded all match results
• Managed issues and resolving conflicts that arise
• Answered questions asked by the players and their families
• Prepared trophies and food & drinks
2023 Club Champions – All club tournament champions’ names have been updated in the club website.
Congratulations to the following 2023 tournament winners and runners-up:

Facilities Update (Absalon Figueroa)
• Installed nets on all courts.
• Organized group of volunteers to mount and take down wind screens.
• Fixed a variety of items around the club.
• Participated as part of team to deal with city on reconstruction of 5 courts.
• Responsible for replenishing supplies for the clubhouse.
Social Events (Shelley Li)
On July 29th, the club organized a “Reopening Celebration Party.” Despite heavy rain preventing tennis play, 12 members volunteered. Over 70 members including their family members attended. The event included champagne toasts, cake cutting, BBQ, and group photos. Everyone had a great time, especially since we now have five brand-new courts, enhancing the tennis experience.
The club had originally planned a “Pizza Night” for September 29th, but due to the need for patching the courts, it has been postponed to October 6th. This is also a popular event among the members.
VP and Communications (Carol Ann Burgmann)
Our Vice-president, Carol Ann Burgmann was in charge of all club communications and some of her accomplishment includes:
• Updated website with President
• With President, interviewed candidates for position of Court Attendant.
• Participated as part of team to deal with city on reconstruction of 5 courts
• Ensured sufficient captains for Intercounty (Ladies & 55+ teams) and Lakeshore League teams (8)
• Provided regular practice time bookings for Intercounty Ladies teams (3) once courts were available in July
• Resolved issues pertaining to team league matches and bookings due to reconstruction of courts
• Managed one of the 55+ teams as captain
· Provided advice to President on a variety of issues throughout the season e.g. reconstruction communication updates to members
• Provided advice to President on re-construction of 5 courts and attended meeting with city and local city councillor
• Drafted 10 newsletters to members on a variety of topics e.g. registration opening, reconstruction of courts, windscreens, updates, pizza night etc.
• Responded to various inquiries throughout the season from members and the general public via info@whiteoakspark.com or redirected inquiry to appropriate Board member to respond
• Investigated complaints, prepared written report and prepared response from Board.
IT Director (Vincent Nan and Raghu Madhavan)
Vincent Nan, club IT Director, contributed the following:
• Help Absalon to prepare for the winter coming, such as drain and clean up the toilet, close the water, empty water tank and etc.
• Help Absalon to prepare for the clubhouse opening, such as some minus repairing, open the water and set up the water fountain and etc.
• Help to set up the wind net of the courts and cable between court 4 and 5.
• Upgrade the components of WO website.
• Studied and learned TP tournament software.
• Work with Yoko to organize the tournaments.
• Helped on the social events.
• Attend board meeting and involve the discussion and decision making.
Raghu Madhavan, club IT Director, contributed the following:
• System maintenance of the club software (Jegysoft) by following up on any issues that any members may raise.
• Ladder set up and maintenance for 2023 (Singles and Double Ladded Box).
Tennis Lessons (Attila Nagy)
As you all know and experienced, it was a difficult first couple of months at the beginning of the season to find playing time. We had an overwhelming demand from members for lessons and it was challenging to schedule everyone as the teaching court time was significantly reduced due to the court construction in May and June and the first part of July. In order to free up courts for regular play, we delayed the adult group lesson until the end of June, significantly reduced the number of courts used for the junior program and didn’t teach private lessons beyond 7pm to make prime time booking available. Also, we tried to make additional lesson-free days each week to make more courts available for members. The new courts were worth the trouble as everyone enjoys playing on them now.
We are happy that Attila Nagy continues to be our Head Tennis Pro. Attila brings with him excellent tennis knowledge, experience and good humour that enables him to teach players of all levels and abilities. He provides a wide variety of lessons and clinics that our members enjoyed. We look forward to seeing him again next year.
Club Court Attendants
This season we had the following part time court attendants:
• Nelson Nacita
• Kenisha Kanwar
• Renee Balila
• Rachel Balila
• Ayaana Khan
• Alexandra Hong
Court attendants did a good job keeping the Clubhouse and tennis courts clean and well maintained as well as greeting our members upon entry and verifying their court bookings when they arrived at the club. Overall Court Attendants received very positive survey ratings from members.
Survey results

Once again, the board of directors is run by member volunteers who volunteer their time to help manage the club. Our club success largely depends on the help of our member volunteers. The 2023 board made many positive contributions to help make Whiteoaks a great place to play tennis. Please join me to give a big thanks to our board of directors who spent countless hours volunteering their time to the club.
Congratulations to the board for a job very well done!!!
Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club received City support as a Registered Group for courts the reconstruction. The City will be paying 50% of the cost.
- 2024 Board of Director Election:
Voting Result:

- Questions:
Can you review the RR format and modify like previous system? (Maurice) – The program we used before is no longer available. (Ivan)
Can we have the player level for RR and HL improved? (Frank Q) – We have various programs like RR, HL, and interclub leagues. RR is more introductory level and members can join different programs based on their level. (Ivan)
We should appeal to the city about the unsatisfactory court construction job. Maybe we can ask OTA to review. (Absalon) – This Thursday at 2PM, OTA representative will be visiting Whiteoaks and meeting with Whiteoaks representatives and we can bring up this issue. (Ivan)
- New Business:
No new business
- Adjournment:
Meeting was adjourned by Carol Ann Burgmann and seconded by Frank Quirante.