Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The AGM is scheduled to run on Friday, September 20th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. This year, we will run it in person at the clubhouse.
At the AGM, you will be voting for the next Executive Board for 2025. The board consists of 7 to 10 members and once voted in, will be responsible for the management of the club going forward.

The agenda for the meeting will include:
1.    Approval of 2023 Minutes
2.    The President’s Report
3.    Voting for the 2025 Executive Board


Adult members are entitled to one vote at the AGM. Questions shall be decided by a show of hands except in the case of an Election to the Board of Directors, where the voting method is secret ballot.

We invite submissions/nominations from people who wish to stand for election to the Board. If interested, submissions/nominations may be made in person at the Club, or via email to and The nomination form for the 2025 Executive Board is provided by clicking here. Those interested may also choose to include a written statement outlining information relevant to their candidature. The term of each board position is one year and all positions are eligible for election or re-election annually. Nominations of members from the floor at the AGM will also be considered. Please consider running for the Board. We have three vacant positions.

The AGM requires a quorum of at least 25 members. It is our hope that you will take the time to join the meeting and vote on September 20th at 6:30 pm.


Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club