Inter-Club League

Competitive Tennis
-Inter-County Ladies Majors (1 team)
-Inter-County Ladies A (2 teams)
-Inter-County Plus 55  Division A (1 team)
-Inter-County Plus 55  Division B (1 team)
-Lakeshore Mixed Division 1 (1 team)
-Lakeshore Mixed Division 3 (1 team)
-Lakeshore Mixed Division 3 (1 team)

Whiteoaks Park Tennis Club is a participant in the following 2 Inter-Club Leagues:

Lakeshore Mixed – starts the 3rd week of May

Division 1Monday7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Division 3Monday7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Division 3Monday7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Intercounty Leaguestarts early May
Ladies Majors WestWednesday9:30 am - Noon
Ladies A-West (Team 1)Wednesday9:30 am - Noon
Ladies A-West (Team 2)Wednesday9:30 am - Noon
55+ West Division 1Thursday9:30 am - 11:30 am
55+ West Division 2Thursday9:30 am - 11:30 am

Team Selection Policy

This policy informs and standardizes selection procedures for all Whiteoaks members wishing to compete at the inter-club competitive teams level. The focus is to promote a fair and objective mechanism for team selection and to provide multiple levels of play. Players may tryout for any team dependent upon their individual abilities – keeping in mind that these teams are geared more for the intermediate to advanced players. Players seeking a slower and more sociable game should sign up for the various house leagues, round robins, lessons and clinics.

  1. Members seeking competitive inter-club play beyond the round robin and house league levels are encouraged to tryout for a team at the spring team tryouts. Teams will be selected jointly by each Team Captain and the Club Head Pro. Team Captains must be approved by the Club Executive. The team selection process is final and any further clarification should be directed to the Club Head Pro. Members who do not attend tryouts, may not be assured a spot on the team roster.
  2. Team rosters will be limited as follows: Ladies Majors and Ladies A’s – up to 20 and Mixed Plus 55 – sixteen; Lakeshore League, up to ten men and ten ladies for all divisions. These numbers may be altered uniformly on an annual basis based on club needs at the discretion of the club. A sub-pool will also be administered to accommodate members who are not able to commit to team play on a regular weekly basis due to work or other commitments.

Tryout Dates

You must be a member of the club before attending the tryout.

Lakeshore Mixed – AllSaturday, April 26 (Rain date: April 27)11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m. (Rain date)
Ladies MajorsWednesday,  May 7 (Rain date: May 8)10:00 a.m. – Noon
Ladies A-WestWednesday,  May 7 (Rain date: May 8)10:00 a.m. – Noon
55+ WestWednesday,  May 7 (Rain date: May 8)10:00 a.m. – Noon

Registration Deadline for Intercounty League Tryouts: April 21nd, 2024.
Registration Deadline for Lakeshore League Tryouts: April 24th, 2024.

To register for tryouts, login to your Whiteoaks online account. Go to “Register for Programs, Lessons, Camps and Events”. Then select “Register for Adult Programs” and register for the desired tryouts.